What is AcuShiatsu
Wendy Francis uses her own combination of Acupuncture and Shiatsu which she calls "AcuShiatsu".
Acupuncture is normally performed with the client lying on a couch, in a short session in which the needles are inserted and the client is left while the needles are taking effect.
Because of her background training in Shiatsu, after discussing with the client and obtaining his/her permission, Wendy prefers to weave in some Shiatsu stretches in order to relax the client and tune in with his/her current "Qi" ("Ki" in Japanese) or energy. This makes the client more receptive to the needles and gives a longer and more relaxing treatment.
Wendy gives her full attention to each client for the duration of the session, and the work usually takes place Shiatsu style, on a warm and comfortable futon on the floor.