Personal Energy Coaching

Your energy today depends on what you did THE DAY BEFORE

Look at the chart below - the RED shows that my day was full of stress, with no breaks (no green). This affected the quality of my sleep that night - some rest, but punctuated by stress.

Wendy Francis acupuncture shiatsu practitioner

Personal Energy Coaching

It's all about THE DAY BEFORE

Do you sometimes have low energy days, or perhaps you feel tired ALL the time?  I can help you examine your lifestyle and find out where you can make improvements, sometimes minor, sometimes with a bit more effort, but ALWAYS life changing.

"Ki" in Japanese is the word for energy - much the same as "Qi" in Chinese.  It's our life force. We breathe it in and it circulates around our body and keeps us alive.  It will happen without our thinking about it, but it is the quality of this energy and how we manage it that is important.

In a session I work with you and your energy using Acupuncture, Shiatsu, or a combination of both. Follow the links to learn a little more about these treatments. Your energy depends on how you manage your stress in your life. Stress can be good - for instance when you are exercising, eating good food, working hard at something you enjoy doing, or relaxing with partners, family or friends. All these things make you feel good. But when you are overworking, getting angry with yourself and others, overeating or not eating enough, this is bad stress. You start to get out of balance and become susceptible to illness and your sleep starts to suffer - and this greatly affects your power to recover. We work together to find what makes you happy and relaxed, and what pushes you to feel unhappy, tired and stressed. Then we can work on improving your health and longevity.

Measure your energy digitally

I am excited to tell you that I have now added another tool to my services that will enable you to measure your energy digitally.  By wearing a simple monitoring device for two or three days each month you can see what your energy level is at any time of day or night, and at the end of the measuring period it will give you a full report that we discuss together to see how we can implement the changes that will be required to improve your energy by reducing your stress.  The aspects monitored are your sleep, your exercise and your restorative powers. I am a registered Firstbeat Life service provider. This amazing company has for more than two decades been a pioneer in the use of physiological data and analytics to improve sports performance and employee well-being.

From my Instagram

Winter is upon us! Clocks have gone back, and we are entering the season of conservation of energy. The element for Winter is Water, and the associated organs are the Kidney and Bladder. Use this stretch to lift your energy - breathe in deeply and feel the stretch in your arms and legs.#shiatsu #goodhealth #winterexercise
Record your dreams! Dream sleep (REM) is such an important part of your night's sleep, and dreams can show you insights into your emotions of the preceding day. The trouble is that we often forget our dreams as soon as we wake up.  Keep a book and a pen by your bed and  jot them down immediately.  #dreamrecording #healthysleep
Today is World Sleep Day! Sleep is the most important factor in your health. Sleep heals and repairs. If you get a good night's sleep, you wake up refreshed and full of energy, ready to tackle the day. How you sleep at night depends on what you have done the day before. Do you know how your sleep measures up? Watch this space! #worldsleepday2024

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