Lee Holden in a Qi Gong pose

What is Qi Gong?

What is Qi Gong?

Qi Gong is a Chinese practice a bit like Yoga that has been going for thousands of years.  The words translate as “energy work”.  It is all about getting your energy to flow which produces healing in the body and encourages longevity.  It is based on the same system of channels and pressure points that acupuncture and shiatsu use, and I love it.

Practising Qi Gong regularly strengthens your muscle, tones your body, expands your mind and connects you to the universe.  You learn to control your breath and relax.  How could this not help with golf?  Here is Qi Gong practitioner and teacher Lee Holden to tell you more about it.

When you do a back swing in golf it should be relaxed and effortless.  Then you swing down and focus directly on the target. 

So next chance to reduce my handicap using my my new Qi Gong techniques – next week’s medal!

Posted in Qi Gong and Golf.