A Christmas treat for your friends and family

shiatsu treatment voucherStuck for ideas for Christmas presents for a friend or family member? What about a pampering Shiatsu treatment?  Just the thing they might appreciate after the excesses of Christmas and the New Year!

You don’t have to be ill to have a Shiatsu treatment!  You can have just a relaxing and/or an invigorating experience.  Prices range from £20 for half an hour to £40 for a full hour (special Christmas voucher discount).

Telephone me on 07795 585823 or email me at wfrancis@kiconnections.com and I can send you your voucher by post or you can collect it yourself if you are coming for a regular treatment.

Spring - time for renewal and rebirth

Chinese Medicine and the Menopause

Spring - time for renewal and rebirth

Cherry tree in Spring

The Chinese call the menopause “the Second Spring” and see this natural process that every women goes through as a positive time of renewal and rebirth.

Not every woman has a smooth sailing through this period.  This is understandable because it is a time of great transition.  The body is going through some major changes and women are likely to experience physical and emotional imbalances.  The first signals that the menopause is beginning often appear between the ages of 45 – 55.  Symptoms include irregular menstruation, the dreaded hot flushes, palpitations, insomnia, irritability and depression.

Here are some great links:

  • Can acupuncture help menopause symptoms? March 9th 2019.  A small Danish study published in BMJ confirms that acupuncture “may be worth considering”.  However, I’m not happy that the researchers can’t rule out that the results might be “down to the placebo effect”.  What nonsense! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-47279032
Shiatsu gallbladder stretch

A new year, a new start

Shiatsu gallbladder stretchA Happy New Year to you all, and let’s make this a healthy one!

Come and have a Shiatsu MOT!

We can check out what you need to do to – lose weight?  get more exercise? improve your posture?

Or you can just have a bit of pampering time to yourself after all the stresses of Christmas!

Go here to book it now:  Book a session

Autumn is really upon us now – time to look after your lungs and large intestine

Summer is at last well and truly over. It is still quite mild during the day, but the trees are well into shedding their leaves and our bodies are preparing themselves for the cold of winter. Metal is the element of Autumn. If our Metal energy is low, we may have problems with breathing and with bowels. There are a lot of sore throats and coughs around at the moment, which is a sign of our lungs being vulnerable and sensitive to the sudden changes in temperature.. Emotionally we may have difficulty identifying and maintaining boundaries.

What an honour!

At the recent Shiatsu Society Annual Congress I was giving a presentation on Social Media Marketing and who should walk in to attend – our honoured guest for the weekend, Ohashi!


He listened intently throughout my presentation, and at the end came up and warmly shook my hand and thanked me “from a computer dude”.
How cool is that!